Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) is also popular as Hardware as a Service (HAAS). It provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. It’s a cloud provider infrastructure component that is present in an on-premises data center that includes data storage, networking hardware, and servers with the hypervisor layer or virtualization. In simple words, IAAS is a virtual server that customers take on lease from another company that can be known as the cloud service provider. You can compare Infrastructure As A Service to a house. As you take a house in a lease for a required period. In the same way, you can subscribe to IAAS for the required projects.
Architecture of IAAS
Infrastructure As A Service provides supplies for a range of products to accompany infrastructure components that include monitoring, log accessing, detailed billing, security, clustering, and load balancing. It also provides storage resiliency such as backup, recovery, and replication. Do you remember any application which performs backup operation? Of course, you do, almost all the applications require back up operation that is mainly provided by the IAAS.
Services provided by IAAS
The services provided by the Infrastructure As A Service are policy-driven, enabling the users to implement at a higher level of orchestration and automation for the infrastructure tasks. IAAS customers access their services via Wide Area Network (WAN) and are enabled to use the cloud provider’s service to install the remaining elements of the application stack. For example, the Infrastructure As A Service platform can be used to create a Virtual machine. Then an operating system can be installed in the VM (Virtual Machine), deploy middleware, and create storage space for backups and workloads. Next, install the enterprise workload in the VM. Finally, the customers can use providers to monitor the performance, track costs, troubleshoot appliance information, and more.
Every cloud computing model needs a provider, who is the third-party organization having a specialization in selling IAAS. I’m sure that you would have heard of Amazon Web services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform, these two are the well-known providers of IAAS after all.
The providers such as AWS offer Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Compute Cloud, and glacier along with computer services. There are other ervices with serverless functions such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud platform. Besides these two tech giants, there are other players in IAAS markets such as Rocketspace Managed Cloud, Digital Ocean, and century link cloud.
Implementation of IAAS
Customers use a graphical interface to change the infrastructure as required. The infrastructure can be accessed through the API key, so the new servers are brought online with the requirement.
Enterprise use IAAS for the following:
Backup and recovery: IAAS solves the recovery and storage management issues. It handles every storage needs and unpredictable demands without the enterprise having to dedicate staff to manage it.
Test and development: Test and development areas are the easy and fastest set up of IAAS. It allows bringing applications to market in the quickest way.
Big data analysis: Data analysis is a big thing in a competitive market and growth projection. And, IAAS provides the processing power for the larger data sets.
The answer is yes, Many companies use IAAS to host the applications that can use Avi Vantage to deliver the applications. The Avi vantage complements Avi’s flagship product Avi SaaS platform as the cloud-hosted option to deliver application services. The application services include a web application, distributed load balancing, firewall, Global server load balancing (GSLB), network, and application performance management across the multi-cloud environment. Finally, it helps to ensure the deployment flexibility in a highly secure manner, ensures fast time to value and operational simplicity.
Why you must consider IAAS?
- Scaling: In the process of building the proprietary business network, the business has to predict the future to be successful. Building an infrastructure that fails to consider future needs can cause a downfall in the expenses. However, adding a host can enable you to pay for the needed service which can you handle your business expenses.
- Capital vs operational expenses: IAAS can help you to avoid heavily loaded expenses for hardware and technology and real estate. Instead of spending tons of your money on creating a company’s data center, you can just get a low-cost subscription of IAAS for a month or a year.
- Dependability: Providers of the cloud service must fulfill service level agreement, it’s in providers’ interest to solve the issues as they contain skilled resources.
- Manageability: You can manage the company’s IT Leads quickly by logging into the control panel.
- Boosts the speed of work: Once IAAS machines provisioning is set, the developers can start building instantly. As a result, IAAS will increase their work speed to achieve the desired result.
- Increase in security: IAAS providers invest in a higher rate for technological security.
- Relocate resources: With IAAS, you can relocate the IT resources and you can free up your IT staff.
- Reduces the downtime: IAAS helps instantly to recover from the outages.
According to the National Institute of the Standard Technology (NIST), customers have the options to deploy IAAS in one of three different ways
Public cloud
Here the infrastructure services are provided for the users by the multiple organization or by the multi-talented models. In conclusion, a government, business, or a group of organizations, t can own the physical infrastructure while it exists on the premises of the cloud provider.
Private cloud
Infrastructures services are provided for use by a single organization. Moreover, either a particular organization maintains the physical infrastructure that built the infrastructure or a third-party organization manages it.
Hybrid cloud
The word hybrid specifies the combination of the public and private. In hybrid cloud service, the public cloud and the private clouds are both unique services that bind together for a specific application.
Rackspace: Rackspace is a cloud system managing company that manages public cloud and private cloud deployments. Above all, the company is lone among the largest managing cloud deployments that offer expertise across AWS, Openstack, Azzure, and many more cloud platforms.
Amazon Web Service: Amazon Web Service is a cloud service platform providing database storage, content delivery, and providing the facilities to help a business grow. However, its main goal is to offer a secured cloud service.
Microsoft Azure: Microsoft Azure is the cloud computing service run by Microsoft. The company will provide secured cloud platforms. The cloud platform is for building, testing, and deploying the software application.
Application of IAAS
The Cloud business is the most profitable in these recent years. By 2022, Gartner’s project profit revenue is to increase by 81.5 billion dollars. In 2019 the total revenue of the cloud computing business was 41.4 billion dollars. If you start a business you can use IAAS in several forms, let’s discuss it. If you want to develop software then you can make use of the IAAS as it will help you to cut off the unnecessary expenses for building physical infrastructure.
- IAAS can be a very big tool necessary for software testing.
- It can help to support web apps.
- IAAS can provide you high-performance computing.
Scaling up and back on IAAS can be seen to be used mostly by the retailers. As the retailers may expect to increase traffic during the holidays and pile up the capacity during peak times to increase the profit of the business. Leveraging the cloud infrastructure to store the security-related video files. As the video files contain a large amount of data managing applications is required to store these files and also can be accessed easily.
Benefits of IAAS
Organizations choose IAAS as it’s faster, easier, and cost-effective. If you are developing a new software then you can use IAAS to host and test the application. Once you have tested and refined the software you can remove IAAS from the environment then you must in-house deployment. To use IAAS for your software, you must pay for every user based on an hour, minutes, or even year. The pay-as-you-go model helps you to eliminate the expenses of in-house deployment of the software and hardware. IAAS gets the compliment of combining with PAAS and SAAS. IAAS provides maximum facilities in hosting custom-built apps and provides a general data center for data storage.
Recent trends in Infrastructure as a Service
Although cloud services are categorized into three different categories ( SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) they have general similarities in its functions. PaaS and IaaS are relatively new in market. Recently a report was released regarding Gartner saying, IaaS is rapidly revolving in the market and the customer’s requirements with its use cases emerging to be diverse.
VM Ware partnered with salesforce.com to create VM Force, a cloud platform for developing java applications. The integration of the cloud increases the mission-critical priority for enterprises. Cloud Hub is the first IaaS that provides developers with an integrating platform application across the enterprise to create a higher-level business application. Around the globe companies of different lifestyles use Infrastructure As A service from normal startups to global enterprises.
In conclusion, IAAS is flexible, scalable, and very good at cost-saving for any company and it is a good trend to rely on. If you want help in setting up Infrastructure As A Service, we at Essence can help you out.