The days are gone when just having your own school was sufficient enough to attract new prospective students. The competition has arisen at a rapid rate and it is precisely why you have to make some serious efforts to attract prospective students to your school. Not doing so would only work towards decreasing your reputation and overall revenue source. And not just that, once you’ve caught the eye of a prospective parent or student, you also have to make sure that you don’t lose them with a bland website or a long and irritating admission process. Now, when you’re running a school, what would you prefer to do: waste all your time in marketing and attracting new students? Or spend your time preparing quality content for your school? The answer is obvious. And that is what purchasing an admission CRM software helps you in doing.
Today, we’re going to explore the features and roles that an admission CRM software can play in the functioning of a school.
What is an Admission CRM Software?
Before we go into further detail, let’s first look at what an admission CRM software is, in the first place. A CRM software or Customer Relationship Management software is a set of tools that has primarily one purpose: to make the admission process easier and better. From marketing to streamlining, these tools handle it all and in the process, attract newer prospective students.
Roles of a School Admission CRM Software
Student Tracking
This is the most important step in increasing admissions in your school. Unlike the traditional attempts of communication where several emails were sent to attract the students (and which were often ignored), using this method, you get to know at which stage of the marketing cycle a prospect is. This means you can send customized messages via print or mail which are much more likely to be noticed. This allows for a relatively more effective marketing strategy and funding process.
We’ve to remember that every student is not a prospect. For that, CRM helps in ensuring the student, who’s landed on one of your pages, is aware of the eligibility criteria and the admission process which is used to filter out students.
Responding to queries
In today’s digital world, there are more than one or two channels for every institution. This also means that you might not be able to respond to all the queries which might result in you losing out on prospects. Having a CRM software helps you in responding to all the queries in a unified manner at one juncture. You also get to track and follow up on every inquiry. This makes sure that you (and more importantly, the student) experience a smooth communication process.
Make Your School Popular
In the chaos that is our world of today, how are you and your school going to make a name for yourself? Marketing has never been more important as it is now, and it’s vital for you to advertise and market effectively if you want to increase your admissions. A CRM software helps you with that as it provides you many strategies to choose from, which you can put in place according to your preferences and circumstances.
Create a Dynamic Website
Having a creative and well-developed website can’t be stressed enough. When you have an eye-catching interface and easy-to-use system, you’ll naturally see more traffic and be able to retain the viewers for a longer duration. Often, school websites are poorly built with unnecessary details spread all over (which can play a major role in swaying a prospective student away).
A school admission CRM software helps you with that. It helps you create a dynamic system that encompasses all that is required and shows the necessary content according to where the prospect is in the marketing cycle currently. By understanding the amount of interest a prospect has, you get to provide them the best service while getting more admission requests yourself.
Provide a Secure Payment Portal
No parent (or student) would want to pay their fees through conventional methods. Technology has upgraded in every sphere of our life, and it’s only right that reflects in transactions too. Having an admission CRM software means you can provide the students with multiple payment options like wallets, cards, and net banking, making sure that you don’t send away some students at the final stage of the admissions.
Manage All the Applications
After everything, if the student who’s eligible for your school, and has also chosen to study in your school, would you transfer everything into a new system all over again? Sounds like a huge waste of time and money, right? With a CRM software, you get to manage, evaluate, and transfer all the admission data into the school records.
Know What’s working for you and What’s not
So you bought a CRM software. What now? All of the marketing strategies you’ll implement are naturally not going to work. In a conventional setup, there’s no way to know what’s working and what’s not. But a CRM software will show the outputs of the different marketing strategies in place, on the basis of which you can decide to try something new or eliminate a particular strategy.
Why You Should Purchase the Schoolzpro admission CRM
By now, you’ve seen the multitudes of advantages that come with purchasing tools for software management. Not just you save your time and energy, but you’re also able to attract new students by improving your marketing strategies and the overall admission process. Schoolzpro admission CRM is a perfect choice if you’re looking to purchase a school admission CRM. It tracks the students who visit the website: from inquiries to applications to enrollment and further. The payment process includes various options and is securely developed, students can create their own profiles, and the whole process can be managed centrally. You also get to evaluate how the software is performing via marketing performance reviews and efficiency reports. In short, it’s the ideal option for an admission CRM software.