This article explains how we can use Autonomy Interwoven Teamsite to build a website with better control over the content. Autonomy Interwoven TeamSite, OpenDeploy and Mediabin product suite is used not only to develop HTML content for Web sites but also helps to manage the development of web application code. On a high level, we can consider TeamSite as source code and version management tool, and OpenDeploy as a deployment tool.
Requirements of an Application Development System
There are many requirements while you build a web application. Here are some of the basic requirements:
- Design Tools
- Editing, Compiling, and debugging tools.
- Source code management.
- Complex and frequent Deployment.
- Project Requirements.
According to Interwoven, the solution set represents “a flexible, scalable, standards-based platform for creating, managing, and deploying the enterprise-class business-critical Web content.”
(source: www.interwoven.com). The Autonomy Interwoven Teamsite Content Management Solution is based on enterprise architecture.
Key Benefits to the Enterprise
- Improve end-user productivity
- Lower end-user training costs.
- Lower Support / IT costs.
- Lower Customization costs
- Enforce corporate governance standards
Autonomy Interwoven TeamSite Integrates with Leading Business Applications
- Application Servers: BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Oracle 9iAS, iPlanet.
- Portal Servers: BEA, IBM, SAP, Oracle, and Plumtree.
- Enterprise Applications: Siebel and PeopleSoft.
Technology support in Autonomy Interwoven TeamSite Development
- Javascript.
- Steaming Multimedia.
- .Net
- Perl
Essence Software Solutions is one of the most trusted HP Autonomy Interwoven. Our employees have been implementing the Autonomy Interwoven Teamsite solutions using LiveSite, TeamSite, OpenDeploy, and Virage MediaBin.
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